My Why
Hailing from Dallas, Texas, I’m a southern girl at heart, but currently live in the greatest city in the Midwest: Chicago! I graduated from Indiana University in 2023 with a degree in Political Science and a renewed love for the “people” side of business. With experience under both corporate and nonprofit retail companies, I came to realize that the creative passions that had held strong throughout my life lended themselves best to working in content creation, branding, and marketing.
My love for prose and well-researched arguments allowed me to articulate my visions clearly, present my ideas professionally, and craft marketing strategies. My love for music and rhythm gave me constant inspiration and exposure to other cultures. My imagination and trusty Pilot G-2 pen helped me put pen to paper when it came to the conceptual puzzle pieces in my head.
All of these strengths together mean one very important thing: because every piece of work I produce has meaning and intentionality behind it, every client can trust that I will bring that same dedication to their brand.
Everything is
Nothing I create is without thought. Whether it’s choreography, music, my writing, or my speech, everything has both a place and a purpose. Yes, I’m here to make sure your brand looks good, but I want your brand to reflect your own values, your own history, and the driving motivation behind the company itself. In my work, there’s always a why behind every color, arrangement, voice, and font choice.
So why am I telling you this? Because I want you to know that I care about your brand past the bare minimum of aesthetic satisfaction. I want to create a cohesive branding and marketing strategy that stays true to who you are as an business.