Over 100,000 people pass by the Wrigley Building every day, but when your entrance is hidden on the side like Semicolon Books, you need an eye-catcher. The solution: Themed signs in the middle of the walkway prime for engagement—both online and in person.
Over 100,000 people pass by the Wrigley Building every day, but when your entrance is hidden on the side like Semicolon Books, you need an eye-catcher. The solution: Themed signs in the middle of the walkway prime for engagement—both online and in person.

House Stark of Winterfell anyone?

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away....

Not having a book is SUPER spooky

The sign says it all

Fall right in!

"It's all just a bunch of hocus pocus"

Nothing scary about these books!

Season 5 anyone?

We're psychic, I swear

Warm weather? Perfect for a book!

Welcome to Semicolon!

Merry merry!